Treating Tennis Elbow With Medicinal Plants

Tennis elbow is usually caused by repetitive movements of the forearm or wrist. This causes inflammation and pain. Here are some herbs that can help treat this condition.
Treating Tennis Elbow With Medicinal Plants

Tennis elbow is a condition that occurs when the tendons in the elbow are affected. The main cause of this problem is repetitive wrist and arm movements. To treat tennis elbow, specialists usually prescribe medications that relieve inflammation and pain.

A patient may also require surgery in severe cases. However, there are some alternatives with medicinal plants that can help treat this condition. In this article, we share 3 remedies with medicinal plants that can effectively and significantly help reduce the discomfort.

What is tennis elbow?

Although more common in athletes, tennis elbow or epicondylitis is actually an injury that can affect anyone who makes certain constant movements of the forearm and wrist. For example, it can affect people who work in painting, construction, butchery, among others.

This condition causes pain on the outside of the elbow, known as the epicondyle. As for symptoms, a Mayo Clinic publication suggests that pain and loss of strength can make the following tasks difficult:

  • Shaking hands or holding an object.
  • Turning a doorknob.
  • Holding a cup of coffee.

Treating Tennis Elbow With Medicinal Plants

As we mentioned, some medicinal plants can help treat tennis elbow naturally. However, it is best to apply them under medical supervision, as some may have contraindications or be incompatible with certain medications.

1. Turmeric

Treating Tennis Elbow With Turmeric

The first option we want to discuss is turmeric. a natural remedy from our ancestors, increasingly recommended in alternative medicine for various conditions that cause pain and inflammation.

In addition, it is highly recommended for the properties of the active ingredient, curcumin, which also has antioxidant effects.

In this regard, a review in the Foods magazine substantiates that this compound is effective in treating inflammation and muscle pain caused by exercise. Therefore, it is said to improve the recovery and subsequent performance of active people.

Turmeric can be eaten as a spice in many recipes, both sweet and savory. You can also use it as a natural dye. One of the most popular preparations of recent years is golden milk. 

The basic ingredients are milk (cow’s milk or vegetable milk) and turmeric. However, other spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger or cumin can also be added. Follow the steps below and enjoy the benefits.


  • 2 cups milk of your choice (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder (10 gr.)
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder (5 gr.)
  • honey (optional)


  • Place the milk in a bowl and heat it over medium heat.
  • Add the turmeric and cinnamon and stir well.
  • Let it cook for another 3 minutes but without boiling.
  • If you like, you can sweeten it with honey or your favorite sweetener.
  • Finally, enjoy this delicious hot drink.

2. Ginger

Second, we want to share with you another spice from the same turmeric family: ginger. The rhizome of this plant stands out as a natural anti-inflammatory. According to a study in The Journal of Pain (English link) decreased consuming two grams of ginger per day for 11 days muscle pain  in people did that elbow exercises.

To enjoy the most of its effects, you can combine the consumption of fresh ginger (in juice or infusion) with the topical application of ginger essential oil. Remember that the oil must be diluted in another base oil, such as olive, coconut or almond oil. Read on to learn how to prepare a ginger infusion.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 2 small slices of ginger
  • honey (optional)


  • First, heat the water over medium heat.
  • When it starts to boil, add the ginger slices and turn off the heat.
  • Let it steep for 10 minutes and then serve.
  • Finally, you can sweeten it if you want.

3. Treating Tennis Elbow With Cat’s Claw

Anti-inflammatory properties of cat's claw

Cat’s claw is the name given to the plant Uncaria tomentosa, which originates from the Amazon region. This plant is known for its health benefits, namely its anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor benefits. 

While there is no scientific evidence regarding its effects on tennis elbow, a review published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice states that consuming it helped reduce inflammation and relieve pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis. .

As for how to consume it, the best way is to take cat’s claw as a supplement. This way it is easier to control the dose. While side effects are not very common, this plant’s high levels of tannins can cause nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Now that you know the benefits of these medicinal plants to treat tennis elbow naturally, don’t hesitate to include them in your daily routine if you suffer from this condition. If you use them regularly you will probably notice an improvement in pain and inflammation.

However, remember that a personalized medical diagnosis and treatment should not be neglected. For this reason, it is best to see a professional if the pain does not subside or if you have other related symptoms.

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