Try A Brewer’s Yeast Diet

You may have heard about brewer’s yeast or have used it yourself in the kitchen. However, if you haven’t discovered brewer’s yeast yet, you will undoubtedly get it right away after reading this article.
Try a diet with brewer's yeast

Try a brewer’s yeast diet, and you’ll agree that it’s one of the best decisions you’ve ever made in your life.

What exactly is brewer’s yeast?

The amazing benefits of brewer's yeast

An interesting fact is that brewer’s yeast is created during the production process of one of the world’s most popular drinks: beer. However, it contains no alcohol at all.

It is created as a by-product during the breakdown of barley, a dried version of the fungus known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae or baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast or brewer’s yeast.

It can be made in a lab as a dietary supplement, but generally brewer’s yeast is produced by separately collecting the remnants of the beer production process.

The yeast is then cleaned to remove its strong, bitter taste and lose some of its health-promoting qualities.

The supplements you find on the shelves of your favorite drugstore are therefore slightly less potent than the freshly produced yeast that is created during the beer brewing process.

Therefore, it is a better idea to look for the “living product” that has not yet been refined or has gone through the cleaning process or so-called “improvement process”.

There are therefore two types of brewer’s yeast: the bitter and the non-bitter variety, depending on the cleaning phase they are in. The bitter form of brewer’s yeast is much richer in nutrients, as explained above.

Brewer’s yeast, a superfood

Brewer's Yeast Healthy Hair

Did you know that brewer’s yeast tops the list of foods containing the most active nutrients? Discover in the list below what you will find in this wonderful product:

  • Eight essential amino acids
  • Ten essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins
  • Forty percent protein
  • Twenty vitamins with the vitamin B complex as the main protagonist
  • Nucleic acid, which is essential for cell regeneration

What are the benefits of brewer’s yeast during a slimming diet

The daily dose we recommend is twenty to thirty grams per day. It is an additional source of protein and you can buy it at almost every drugstore and health food store.

It is a commonly used supplement during diets that restrict calorie intake.

Are you curious and would you like to try this healthy superfood, then pay attention to which variant you buy.

Often different flavors are offered: apple, nature and cheese. Before purchasing, think about which foods you want to combine the supplement with, so that you do not mix sweet-tasting yeast with a spicy snack or meal.

You can combine brewer’s yeast with almost any food to enrich its nutritional value.

Extra tips for a brewer’s yeast diet

brewer's yeast
  • Go for the live, bitter form of yeast and avoid products that have undergone chemical cleaning, which often negates most of its health-promoting properties.
  • The best results are achieved if you use at least ten grams of brewer’s yeast for a month, in powder form or as flakes that you can easily sprinkle over your meal.
  • Carefully read the instructions on the package and follow the directions so that you always use the recommended amounts to add to your recipes.
  • Finally, do not forget to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. The use of brewer’s yeast alone is not enough to stay healthy and fit.
  • Remember to drink at least two liters of water a day and pay attention to exercise three times a week. Pick a fun activity with local friends or go for a walk every night.
  • Avoid refined foods and look for ways to eliminate stress and negative feelings from your life.

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