Try This Antioxidant-packed Rejuvenating Juice

To stay young for as long as possible, you should drink this juice full of antioxidants, but also avoid all the diets and habits that cause premature aging. So avoid stress, alcohol and tobacco, for example.
Try this antioxidant-packed rejuvenating juice

Who wouldn’t want to drink a delicious juice that has a rejuvenating effect? If you want to feel younger, you need to follow a good diet. The right diet gives lasting results and has many health benefits. Try this rejuvenating juice of grapes, pomegranate and moringa to fight the damage to your body from free radicals.

Who Needs Antioxidants?

Free radicals can support your body in different ways: they stimulate your immune system, among other things. However, an excess of free radicals in your body causes oxidation of your cells, which accelerates the aging process. This oxidation occurs both internally and externally. The external effect is most visible.

Antioxidants help to stop and sometimes even reverse the process of oxidation. Everyone should therefore ensure a  daily diet that consists as much as possible of nutrients with rejuvenating properties. Our rejuvenating juice fits perfectly into a healthy diet.

People who suffer from premature aging or suffer from chronic and degenerative disease will notice the effects the most in both the long and short term.

Factors that promote oxidation

The rejuvenating juice helps fight oxidation

The following factors increase the number of free radicals in our body and, as a result, increase the rate at which cells oxidize. This hinders the regeneration process of your body, and accelerates the process of aging. 

  • wrong diet
  • pollution
  • stress
  • prolonged sun exposure
  • tobacco and alcohol
  • prolonged physical exertion

A natural way to rejuvenate

Today there are many products and treatments on the market that promise miraculous results and convince you that they can turn back the clock. However, most of those products and treatments are:

  • duration
  • only work temporarily
  • have side effects

In this article we tell you how you can activate the rejuvenation process from within in a natural and healthy way.

For starters, it is imperative that you provide your body with the right nutrients. Good nutrients deliver visible results, but also make us feel good on the inside.

Foods High in Antioxidants

Our rejuvenating juice contains a number of healthy ingredients. Below we tell you why these are so good for you.


Grape juice

Grapes contain resveratrol, a very powerful antioxidant. Resveratrol is mainly found in the skin and seeds of the grape, but also in the pulp. The substance is mainly found in red grapes.

Resveratrol is also in:

  • Black berries
  • blackberries
  • peanuts
  • some dietary supplements

It  can help prevent cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. Wine also contains resveratrol. However, we recommend that you opt for non-alcoholic food and drinks, such as grapes or grape juice.


Pomegranate is good for health

The pomegranate is a delicious fruit with many health benefits.

  • Firstly, the peel and seeds of the pomegranate contain a lot of antioxidants (polyphenols).
  • Second, they have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

You can make a delicious sweet juice from these seeds. They are also perfect as a garnish in salads and side dishes.


Moringa leaves

Despite its great health properties, the moringa tree is not yet well known. With the seeds, flowers and leaves of the moringa you can make some good natural remedies. In this article we would like to tell you more about the antioxidants that are in the moringa leaves.

The leaves are an example of foods containing the highest amount of antioxidants. You can eat them both fresh and dried. In addition, they are rich in:

  • vitamins A, B and C.
  • minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium. 

Thanks to these health properties, the moringa can help us to get rid of the toxins that are in our body. In addition, it can provide healthier skin and nails, and a higher energy level.

Our recipe for a rejuvenating juice full of antioxidants

Here’s how to make this delicious, rejuvenating juice, packed with antioxidants, step-by-step.


  • 1 bunch of Concord grapes
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 45 grams leaves of the moringa tree
  • 100ml water
  • honey or stevia to taste

Kitchen appliances

  • You will need a blender or food processor to make this juice.


  • Use the whole grape, including the skin and seeds.
  • Peel the pomegranate.
  • Remove the stems from the moringa leaves.
  • First mix the 3 ingredients with the water in the blender or food processor, until everything is well mixed.
  • Before you drink it, you can strain the juice. However, it is even healthier if you drink it with the pulp still in it. 
  • To sweeten the juice, you can add some honey or stevia to taste.
  • Finally: drink the juice cold and throughout the day, between meals.

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