Turkish Yogurt Recipes

The recipe for this yogurt is originally from Turkey and is a very healthy addition to your diet. Learn three recipes to make this amazing yogurt in this article!
Turkish yogurt recipes

Turkish yogurt is low in fat and a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin D and probiotics. It also has many health benefits, including that it can help manage your cholesterol levels and help regulate your immune system.

This food originated in ancient Turkey. At that time, the nomads transported milk in sacks made of skin. Due to the heat, certain bacteria multiplied and the milk developed a semi-solid consistency. They soon realized that this substance was actually really tasty: it was yogurt!

In today’s article we will share some recipes so that you can easily make yogurt in this Turkish style yourself.

Turkish yogurt is a fermented dairy product and a semi-liquid product created by homogenization and pasteurization. It is popular today due to its creamy texture, versatility and beneficial effects on the digestive system.

If you’re also looking for something to maintain your current weight or lose some extra pounds, this yogurt is a safe option. Not only do you take care of your figure, you also consume a healthy food that provides you with a large number of nutrients.

How do you make Turkish yogurt?

Make your own Turkish yogurt

Recipe for Turkish yogurt with apple

This yogurt contains live cultures, or live bacteria, that help protect your body from other harmful bacteria species. Although it may sound strange, it is one of the most complete foods you can find. What other treat can you say this about?


  • 1 liter of skimmed milk
  • 2 tablespoons whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (5 ml)
  • 1/2 cup apple, cut into small pieces (100 grams, optional)


  • First, pour the skimmed milk into a large saucepan.
  • Then heat it in the oven at about 40 ºC for 5 minutes.
  • Then take it out of the oven and pour the milk into a ceramic bowl.
  • Now add the apple and the whole milk and stir well.
  • Also stir in the vanilla extract.
  • Cover the ceramic dish and then wrap it in a towel. Then put it back in the oven and let it sit for 24 hours without turning the oven on.
  • Then keep the yogurt in the fridge for five hours until it is firm.
  • It is now ready to be served.

You can add any kind of dried fruit, nuts or seeds you like to make it a full-fledged snack that will satisfy your hunger for a long time.

Turkish yogurt with milk powder

Yogurt contains bacteria called probiotics, which are ideal for your gastrointestinal tract. They attack, block and neutralize all the toxins in your body. It is therefore a very nutritious product that you should try to consume every day.

Be careful when buying Turkish yogurt in stores, as several varieties are processed and contain sugar or high amounts of sweeteners that reduce the quality. Therefore, always look for yogurt without added sugars.


  • 1 cup natural yogurt (225 ml)
  • 4 cups skim milk (1 liter)
  • 1 tablespoon of whole milk powder (15 gr.)


  • First, pour the skimmed milk into a saucepan and place over low heat. Add the milk powder to thicken it.
  • Then remove it from the heat and stir it together with the yogurt in a bowl. Stir it well until you have a creamy texture.
  • Then store this mixture in a glass or ceramic dish and place in a slightly heated oven for 24 hours.
  • After that time, refrigerate the yogurt for another three to four hours before serving.

Milk-based recipe

Most probiotic dairy producers sell their products for a price that is almost five times higher than other dairy producers. It is therefore better to learn how to make probiotic or Turkish yogurt yourself. It’s a lot cheaper and fun to do. Here’s one last recipe, based on milk.

Ingredients and Supplies

  • 4 cups skim milk (1 liter)
  • 2/3 cup Greek yogurt, plain (100 gr)
  • 1 food thermometer


  • Pour the skimmed milk into a saucepan and heat it to about 85 ºC.
  • Use your food thermometer to carefully measure the temperature.
  • Then rinse a glass dish with boiling water to warm it up.
  • Then pour the milk into the bowl and add the Greek yogurt. Mix well to activate the probiotics.
  • Then cover the dish with the lid and wrap it with aluminum foil.
  • Store the yogurt in the preheated oven for 12 hours.
  • Then take it out of the oven and keep it in the fridge for two hours before serving.

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