Using Banana Peel For Various Interesting Applications

The peel of bananas can be used both internally and externally to treat diseases. For example, the peel is very effective against fine lines and wrinkles.
Using banana peel for various interesting uses

If we only knew all the properties hidden in the peels of the fruits and vegetables we eat, we would never throw them away!

Some peels are edible and others you have to throw away. In this article, we’ll discuss some ways to use banana peel. You’ll think twice before throwing this peel in the trash in the future.

Nutritional value of banana peels

The banana is one of the most popular fruits around the world. You can prepare the fruit in hundreds of different ways and especially children love it.

What you may not know, however, is that the peel of bananas is just as nutritious as the fruit itself and contains a good amount of iron, potassium, B vitamins, and vitamins C and K.

And if this wasn’t enough, the peel is also high in magnesium, fiber, antioxidants and copper.

Of course you should not suddenly eat kilograms of banana peels. Always consult your doctor first.

How can you use banana peel?

All this time you are missing out on all the benefits that the peel of the banana has to offer. However, now that you know all the properties of the banana peel, you will probably never throw the peel in the trash so quickly again.

1. Treat Skin Problems

banana pieces
  • If you suffer from psoriasis, we recommend using banana peel to relieve the dryness and itchiness often associated with this condition. Rub the inside of the peel over the affected skin twice a day.
  • The peel of bananas is also helpful if you suffer from acne. If your skin is irritated or inflamed from the acne, rub a banana peel over the affected area every night before going to bed and rinse the skin with warm water.

2. Smooths fine lines and warts

The banana peel is said to be one of the best home remedies for fine lines and wrinkles. However, consistency is key here.

Every night before going to bed, rub the inside of a banana peel over the lines and wrinkles, then let the skin dry without rinsing. Your skin may feel soft and smooth afterwards.

If you have a wart somewhere on your body that you would like to remove, you can use the peel of a green or light yellow banana. The enzymes contained in the peel can, in some cases, make that unsightly bump disappear safely and painlessly.

Simply rub the wart gently with the inside of a banana peel. Repeat the treatment as often as necessary.

3. Improve your mood


Banana peels contain high amounts of tryptophan. This amino acid promotes the production of serotonin, also known as the ‘happy hormone’.

Serotonin regulates your mood. Low levels of the hormone in your body can cause symptoms such as depression and irritability.

When you eat two banana peels a day for three days in a row, the serotonin levels in your body can rise by up to 16%.

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