Using Celery To Relieve Constipation

Celery provides a large amount of fiber. However, it must be supplemented with enough water so that it can be used properly by the body and can relieve constipation. If not, the problem may only get worse.
Using Celery to Relieve Constipation

Celery is a vegetable that can be very good for digestion. It can help stimulate appetite, reduce intestinal gas and relieve constipation in an effective and natural way. Read this article to find out how to use celery to relieve constipation.

Using Celery to Relieve Constipation

Celery is a vegetable that is very high in fiber and can help you to cleanse your intestines and dispose of waste in a healthy way. For that reason, it can naturally relieve constipation and thus help prevent your gut from being potentially damaged by laxatives.

1. Celery juice

celery juice

The high fiber content in celery juice can make it an excellent remedy for constipation. Celery can be very cleansing and is a natural diuretic that can help eliminate toxins and unnecessary liquids. This makes it a good choice to aid in healthy weight loss.

  • It is a good idea to add some fruit such as apple, pear or pineapple to dilute the strong taste of the juice.
  • You can also make celery juice with a savory recipe like gazpacho, using tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and garlic.

We recommend drinking it occasionally, so as not to put too much strain on the kidney function. It is also best to drink celery juice and between meals to make it more effective. Half an hour before each main meal of the day is ideal.

2. Vegetable stock

Vegetable soup

If you like soup or if it’s a cold day, you can use this tasty vegetable stock recipe. These delicious and light broths may help you lose weight due to their satiating properties. Celery can be perfectly combined with all types of vegetables:

  • leek
  • onion
  • garlic
  • carrots
  • cabbage
  • zucchini
  • pumpkin
  • and so on

Vegetable stock is also an excellent appetizer for a healthy dinner. If you want an option with more consistency, you can puree some of the vegetables from the stock to make it creamier. Whether you consume celery in broth or as a creamy soup, both are great ways to help relieve constipation.

3. Smoothie To Relieve Constipation

Celery Smoothie To Relieve Constipation

Take a look at this smoothie recipe to help relieve constipation naturally. It is a good idea to use acacia honey as it can be an excellent natural treatment for inflammation of the gut.


  • 15 g chia seeds
  • 3 plums
  • 1 celery stick
  • 1 organic apple
  • 35 g ground almonds
  • 25 g honey
  • 200ml water


  • The night before, soak the chia seeds and plums in the cup of water.
  • The next day, put all ingredients in the blender, including the apple with the skin.
  • Then blend for at least two minutes until a smooth texture is achieved. If it is too thick, you can add more water.
  • The best time to consume this smoothie and help regulate your bowel function is in the morning on an empty stomach.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is best for your digestive system to have breakfast before 7am. However, this smoothie will still be good for you if you drink it later.

It has a very high fiber content, which can give it a very satiating feeling. If you are still hungry after drinking this smoothie, you can eat your normal breakfast, but wait at least half an hour.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to facilitate fiber digestion. Skipping this step can lead to a blockage in your gut. Try drinking this smoothie for a few days until your bowel movements are more regulated .

If you normally consume a diet low in fiber, your symptoms may actually get worse in the first few days, until your body adjusts.

With a little patience and plenty of water, you may soon notice the benefits. If you still have problems with constipation after eating a balanced diet that is high in fiber, you should talk to your doctor to rule out other serious health problems.

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