Which Foods Contain A Lot Of Potassium?

When we talk about potassium, we mainly think of bananas. Yet there are other vegetables, fruits and herbs that also have a large amount of this mineral to offer.
Which foods contain a high amount of potassium?

When you’re told to eat more potassium, you probably automatically think of bananas. But there are other foods that also contain this nutrient. So it is interesting to know which foods contain a large amount of potassium.

Potassium plays a role in many bodily functions. But you won’t get tired of constantly eating the same thing to get the optimal amount of potassium. You will find more information in the following article.

What is potassium and what does it do?

In fact, potassium is a diuretic mineral. It is responsible for draining excess fluid and salt from the body. A deficiency of potassium will therefore cause fluid retention, swelling and high blood pressure.

If you eat a lot of salt or don’t drink enough water during the day, it is fundamental that you eat foods that contain this mineral.

A severe lack of potassium can cause significant health problems. Examples include damage to the nervous system, kidney damage or heart complications.

Because thanks to this mineral, the cells are well hydrated, healthy and nourished. That’s because potassium also helps to remove toxins.

Athletes’ favorite mineral

High amount of potassium for athletes

Potassium is extremely important with regard to training and sports practice. This is the reason that you see an athlete (tennis players, for example) eating a banana during a match or before or after a match. That’s actually quite normal.

Because potassium provides energy. Plus, it replenishes the fluids and electrolytes that are lost when we perspire. It also aids in the transmission of nerve impulses. In addition, it is necessary for muscle contraction and recovery after exercise.

And that’s not all. This nutrient is also recommended for people with heart problems or high blood pressure. Because it regulates heart rhythm and arterial pressure. At the same time, it also prevents arrhythmia.

Another benefit of a diet high in potassium and low in sodium is that it protects the health of your kidneys. This is because it improves blood flow and allows the blood to be filtered better. In addition, it also prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Of course, there are even more benefits associated with this mineral:

  • After all, it is also known as an excellent antioxidant. Because it binds to the free radicals and disables them.
  • In addition, it helps prevent bone demineralization and osteoporosis. It does this by stopping the drainage of calcium as a result of urination.
  • A final benefit of potassium is that it also has the function of producing gastric juices. These juices are part of certain metabolic processes such as the secretion of insulin and the balancing of the fluids in the body.

Which foods contain a high amount of potassium?

The recommended daily dose of potassium for adults is between 3,000 and 4,000 milligrams.

It’s good to know that all foods in their natural state contain more potassium than sodium. But when they undergo certain treatments, this ratio changes.

For that reason, you should take more of the first kind and less of the second. How are you doing this? You achieve this result through a balanced diet that includes some of the following foods that contain a large amount of potassium.

1. Swiss chard, a vegetable with a high amount of potassium

Swiss chard contains a large amount of potassium

First of all, we introduce you Swiss chard. This delicious vegetable contains many vitamins. Moreover, you can eat it in different ways, in cakes, soups or sandwiches.

  • It is one of the foods with the most potassium. Every 100 grams (raw) contains 380 milligrams of potassium.
  • One cup of Swiss chard contains about 200 grams. So it is not that difficult to add it to your daily diet.

2. Avocado

This fruit contains a large amount of magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and potassium. In addition, it has a positive effect on the nervous system, heart and skin.

  • It is also an ideal remedy for anxiety, depression and insomnia.
  • In addition, it reduces anemia and relieves the symptoms of gastritis and stomach ulcers. It also reduces menstrual pain.

3. Cherimoya

Cherimoya contains a large amount of potassium

This tropical fruit is considered to be one of the most complete fruits in existence. It possesses dozens of medicinal properties. In addition, every 100 grams provides us with 382 milligrams of potassium.

  • You can eat it as a dessert or combine it in a sweet treat.
  • Cherimoya also contains protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2, and B6.

4. Thyme

Many aromatic herbs contain a lot of potassium. Thyme is a herb often used in Mediterranean cuisine. In addition, it also contains essential thymol oil, flavonoids, amino acids, calcium, iron and vitamin C.

Thyme can be used to treat infectious diseases in the respiratory system. It is also a very powerful natural antibiotic. Plus, it boosts your defense mechanisms and puts an end to indigestion. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect (making it an ideal remedy for reducing menstrual pain).

5. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle contains a large amount of potassium

This plant is native to the Mediterranean and Central Europe. It has been used as a medicine for centuries. Because it has the following effects:

  • Treatment of chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • It lowers blood sugar.
  • This plant prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • It reduces cholesterol.
  • In addition, it is a powerful vitamin complex that is especially recommended for women who have just given birth.

From every 100 grams of milk thistle, you can get 400 milligrams of potassium.

6. Basil

This is one of the herbs you may have in your kitchen. You use it to flavor your dishes and give them a nice smell.

It is originally from India (but it is known all over the world). Basil is high in flavonoids, vitamins B1 and E, essential oils and minerals such as potassium.

Its properties provide the following effects:

  • It reduces muscle cramps (it soothes stomach pain);
  • Basil has a stimulating effect (it aids in digestion).
  • It fulfills the body’s natural needs (it improves appetite);
  • In addition, it stops vomiting;
  • It is an anticoagulant;
  • And it helps to prevent or lower high blood pressure.

7. Potatoes

Potatoes contain a large amount of potassium

We end with potatoes. This is a food that we can eat in a thousand different ways. They are part of both the American and European diets. They also provide us with a large amount of potassium.

Every 100 grams of potatoes contains at least 418 milligrams of this mineral. We recommend that you eat them steamed, boiled or fried. Do not eat them fried or salted.

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