Why Babies Shouldn’t Sleep In A Car Seat

It is normal for a baby to fall asleep in a car seat as soon as the car starts moving. However, a car seat is only designed for their safety, not for sleeping. That’s why you have to be vigilant if they do sleep in it.
Why Babies Shouldn't Sleep in a Car Seat

You’ve done everything you can to put your baby to sleep and you’re starting to get a little desperate. Then, when you’re running out of ideas, you strap them into their car seat, get in your car, and start driving.

As soon as you get out of the street, a miracle happens: your baby falls asleep. You can’t believe it. However, you are very happy that it worked, without realizing that it is not good for a baby to sleep in a car seat.

Of course you will return home afterwards. However, after the baby has finally fallen asleep, you may find it difficult to disturb him by taking him back inside. You’d rather have him stay in the seat until he wakes up while you take the chance to relax.

Still, the question pops up in your head: is it okay to let the baby sleep in the car seat? If this scenario sounds familiar to you, then you better read this information.

Why do babies fall asleep immediately as soon as the car moves?

Sleeping baby in a car seat

The cradle and the extreme silence that surrounds the baby cannot be compared to the atmosphere in which a baby has been during the nine months before its birth. In the womb, the baby was held tightly 24 hours a day.

Babies are used to hearing the mother’s heart beat and the sound of her digestion and breathing. They also listen a lot to her voice and to other sounds she is exposed to.

From the perspective of a fetus, the mother is constantly on the move : she moves and walks around, goes up and down the stairs and does all kinds of things. At night she hardly stops when she goes to sleep because although she may lie still, her noise does not go away completely.

It is there between the continuous presence of sounds and movements that the baby falls asleep. Therefore, it is easy to imagine why he may find it difficult to fall asleep once he has been placed in a crib in a lonely and quiet room.

Of course, this all changes when they’re in a car seat. Feeling the vibrations of the car and the sound of the engine make the parents achieve the impossible: the baby falls asleep almost immediately.

Moreover, it is not difficult to imagine why this is happening. The ‘humming’ of the car reminds babies back to their days in their mother’s womb.

What do you think of the car seat?

Baby seats are a safe way to transport your baby both in and out of the car. In many countries, its use is required by law.

A car seat offers an extra safety measure for your child in the event of a collision. So never put a baby in the front seat next to the driver or on your lap, not even in the back. It’s always better that they sit in their car seat and never in anyone’s arms.

If there is a collision with another car or something else en route, loose items and bodies in the car are often thrown through the car, sometimes even breaking through the window. We leave it to your imagination to think about what could happen if you had the baby in your arms.

In such situations, a car seat makes the difference between life and death. However, problems do arise when the seat is too large for a newborn baby.

Baby is sleeping in a car seat

It is inevitable that a baby will fall asleep in a car at some point and you cannot prevent him from falling asleep if the baby needs it. However, you should keep a close eye on the baby while they sleep and make sure they are in the correct body position to keep them safe.

Do I have to make sure that my baby does not fall asleep in the car seat?

You already know how vulnerable babies are. In addition, because they do not yet have their bodies under control, their bodies move while sitting in the car.

If there are other people in the car besides you and the baby, it is best that someone sits in the back, next to the baby, who can watch the baby’s posture.

Try not to leave the baby alone in the back seat for long periods of time. If you are traveling alone with him, avoid long journeys as much as you can.

Risky situations

Consider the following when a baby falls asleep in the car seat:

  • Because babies have no head control – especially during the first months of life – the movement of the car can cause their head to tilt forward. This can block the baby’s airways and lead to choking.
  • When you put a baby in a chair, you have to watch his position and then strap him in properly. If the straps are not fitted properly, their body may bend too much forward, compressing their chest and abdomen.
  • Oxygen levels may drop when the baby is resting in a car seat, especially if he is not yet in control of his body. Therefore, do not leave the baby in a car seat for too long, because he does not yet have the strength to move independently or to change his position.
  • In winter it is good not to put the baby on a thick coat when they are in a car seat. The seat belts cannot hold him properly due to the thickness of the clothing, which could have unpleasant consequences in the event of a collision.

We are home and the baby is still sleeping: what should I do?

Happy child in a car seat

When you come home and your baby is asleep, you should take him or her inside. It is not recommended to let him sleep in their car seat. Please note that the design of the car seat is not intended for sleeping, but to allow the baby to travel safely in the car and to provide protection in the event of an accident.

Yes, we know not to disturb or wake them up, so remember to carry the car seat inside and let the baby sleep in it until he wakes up. However, it is necessary to remove it from the car seat.

Remember that babies change positions and not sitting correctly in a car seat can lead to choking.

When you wake the baby, sing lullabies and lie down next to him or her. Mom and Dad’s love and warmth will help your baby fall asleep again.

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