You Can Replace Salt With Various Spices

The food we eat already contains a lot of salt. So avoid adding even more salt. You can do this without sacrificing the flavor of your recipes. Make use of various spices that provide you with more positive benefits.
You can replace salt with various spices

Salt is one of the ingredients we usually and most use in cooking. Because it is a great ingredient to flavor your food.

It is a source of minerals. Use it in small amounts. Because in this way it helps to keep the amount of electrolytes in the body in balance. In addition, it also supports other processes that are important for your health.

However, the problem is that we usually use too large amounts of salt. Often we ignore the negative effects it has. We add it to almost all our dishes.

At first it may seem harmless. But over time, you can develop problems with inflammation, the heart, blood vessels and liver.

That is why you should limit the daily intake of salt. How can you do this? Eat fewer foods that contain salt. In addition, choose to use other spices in the kitchen.

We know that some people are not yet familiar with certain spices. So in this article we will introduce you to the eight spices that are most suitable for replacing salt.

You can replace salt with garlic

Garlic is a spice that contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Once the body has absorbed these components, they help prevent a range of diseases.

This ingredient has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Salt does not have these characteristics. The effects of the elements in garlic reduce fluid retention and heart and blood vessel problems.

But the best effect of garlic is that it makes the following foods extra tasty with its delicious taste:

  • Red and white meat
  • Fish and seafood
  • Stews and soups

Onion powder has properties similar to those of garlic. It also contains natural ingredients such as allicin. It is therefore a great alternative if you are trying to eat less salt.

The properties are perhaps less present than in the vegetable in its natural state. Still, the nutrients present are a great choice to add flavor to your diet.

You can use onion powder with the following foods:

  • Meat and seafood
  • Soups and stews
  • Rice
  • fried vegetables
  • salads
You can replace salt with black pepper

Black pepper is a spice with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Once absorbed by the body, it protects the tissues. It works especially when the tissues are confronted with the negative effects of free radicals.

The properties of black pepper protect the body against high blood pressure. Over time, it will also improve kidney function. Because it stimulates the elimination of fluids.

This spice has a very nice taste and goes great with:

  • Meat and fish
  • Stews, sauces and dressings
  • Recipes with vegetables
  • Pasta

Oregano is known for its medicinal properties. But it is also a tasty ingredient. Because you can use it in many different recipes to replace salt.

It contains vitamins, minerals and essential oils. Those ingredients work together with its antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Eat oregano regularly. Because it promotes the activity of your immune system. In addition, it reduces the risks of respiratory problems.

Enjoy this tasty spice by using it with the following dishes:

  • Red and white meat
  • Fish and seafood
  • Pizza and recipes with cheese
  • stews
  • Smoothies with fruits and vegetables
  • salads
  • Rice
  • Pasta
You can replace salt with cumin

Add a little bit of cumin to your dishes. This herb gives an interesting taste to the food. So you can use it if you’re trying to eat less refined salt.

This ingredient contains antioxidants. These ingredients reduce the negative effects of free radicals from the environment.

Regular use of cumin also helps to control cholesterol. At the same time, it reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular problems.

You can use cumin in the following dishes:

  • Meat and fish
  • Soups and stews
  • Rice
  • Vegetables

Anise has a very specific taste. That is why it fits really well in recipes with meat and vegetables.

This ingredient contains a lot of nutritious properties. It helps, among other things, to promote the digestion of food.

You can replace salt with ginger

Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In addition, it aids in digestion. It’s also an interesting tool if you’re trying to cut back on salt.

This is due to the large amount of gingerol. This ingredient not only provides the spicy taste of ginger but also its medicinal properties.

You can use ginger to flavor the following foods:

  • Bread and cookies
  • Smoothies with fruits and vegetables
  • salads
  • Stews and soups

This herb is very well known in the world of cooking. This is not only due to the specific taste of turmeric. It also ensures that our dishes get an orange color.

Turmeric is full of antioxidants. If you want to flavor your food without using salt, this is a great choice.

It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In addition, it promotes digestion. So it helps to improve your health. It also protects the cells of the body when they are threatened by diseases.

For example, you can replace the salt with turmeric in the following dishes:

  • Soups and stews
  • Rice
  • beans
  • vegetable salads
  • Sauces and dressings

Do you use salt in all your dishes? Then try to change this. Choose one of the spices from this article and use it to replace salt. You will find that you can give your food a great taste without damaging your health. However, remember that we cannot completely eliminate salt from our daily diet. Because the body also needs salt. But we can avoid it having negative effects on our health. 

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