Your Partner Is Your Mirror, What Does He Reflect?

Teach yourself to become stronger, change direction, take control of your own life. Look straight into the eyes of your shortcomings so that they cease to exist and instead strengthen you.
Your partner is your mirror, what does he reflect?

There are many people in whom we can see a reflection of ourselves. For example, think of family or friends. However, the most important relationship is with your partner. Your partner is your mirror. 

While you may not really be aware of the implications, the truth is that if you keep an open mind with your partner, you allow yourself to be more of yourself. In addition, you will notice many things that you may not always be aware of.

However, if your partner is your mirror, how can you see yourself reflected in him? Today we will discuss how to observe yourself through the relationship with your partner.

It’s not him, it’s you!

Your partner is your mirror, look at yourself

Does it bother you that your partner hasn’t made the bed? Do you want to stop being such a perfectionist? Does it make you nervous that he is so independent?

All these questions show an anger, a certain resentment and an unbearable nervousness about your partner’s behavior.

But remember: your partner is your mirror.

What does it matter if your partner never makes the bed? Perhaps, instead of complaining, you should ask yourself, “What things in life are I not flexible with?”

If your partner has an obsession with tidiness, even to the point of perfection, you should take a look at yourself and see which aspects you are not giving 100% on. Why don’t you give everything? Why do you settle for ‘good enough’?

Does it make you nervous that your partner is independent, that he is going out with his friends and that you feel a little left out? Then ask yourself, is my partner everything to me? Do I actually have time for my friends or for myself?

These are just a few examples of how your partner is your mirror. However, every person is different. The interpretation of what is bothering you about the other person can be very different.

The main thing is to realize it.

Do you hate the way he talks so loud? Does it make you really nervous that he’s a prankster? If so, then  the things that annoy you are also part of you. That’s why you find them so annoying.

Think about the first question for a moment. If your partner had made the bed you wouldn’t notice. It wouldn’t mean anything to you. However, the moment he/she doesn’t, it reflects a lack of flexibility in some aspect of your life that you need to fix.

Your partner is your mirror and will help you get to know yourself and each other better

Get to know each other because your partner is your mirror

The fact that your partner is your mirror is not wrong. It’s the exact opposite. It is a tool to get to know yourself better and open your eyes to a reality that we usually deny.

A painful yet clear example is when people are mistreated. What does the abused person reflect? That he/she does not respect himself: he/she mistreats himself. It is true, however hard it is to admit. They mistreat themselves by giving power to someone who doesn’t love them. This also means a consequent reduction in self-esteem.

The mirror, like all mirrors, should be an opportunity to see each other clearly. A chance to make a decision. Some mirrors are very revealing, such as this painful scenario that many people experience on a daily basis.

Accept your mistakes and your shortcomings. This will help you get to know yourself better, make the right decisions and even change for the better.

Your partner is your mirror

Change the way you deal with people or circumstances that make you think you are a victim when in reality they are helping you.

Teach yourself to become stronger, to change direction, to take control of your own life. Look straight into the eyes of your shortcomings so that they cease to exist and instead strengthen you.

Your partner is your mirror, but what does he reflect?

Images: Laura Williams, Flora Borsi, David Talley. 

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